Fierce: A series on everyday women who are shaping our world

"Well behaved women seldom make history."  

If you are brave enough to ask me what I am most passionate about in this world you would hear me tell stories of terrible injustice and how brave warriors have armed themselves with knowledge, compassion and strength to loan their voices to a growing chorus of once voiceless people.  You would hear me tell tale after magnificent tale of people who have lunged head-first into the trenches of some of the darkest places in the world to take on the suffering of others as their own in order to get close enough to the problems to find solutions.  

Often, these stories would be about women, who against the social tide of male-dominated sectors have raised their female voice to bring a different perspective, a unique and necessary point of view to systemic issues of oppression and injustice.  For the most part, these women would be considered "ordinary".  Living in ordinary neighborhoods with ordinary jobs. Until one day, they decided to risk a small part of their hearts, to say, "Enough is enough!" and draw near to some one who was different or press up against an issue that felt suffocating and toxic.  

Because I believe in the full voice of a woman and because there is STILL so much work we have to do to bring their voices to the table, I want to showcase some of the fiercest women I know.  My hope is that one of these women [or all of them] will trigger an ache deep in your heart that can only be soothed by the words they speak.  My hope is that as you read their words you will hear their voices calling you to be brave and push against the boxes that are holding you in.  

This series is NOT JUST FOR WOMEN!  It is for anyone who is longing to make a difference with their lives.  It is for men and women, students and teachers.  It is for the corporate executive and the domestic goddess.  It is for the teenager bursting with hope for the future and the cynical millennial with a keen eye for bullshit.  


We need to hear from them because they have something to teach us about the world and about our part in making it a more just and loving place.  

So sit down, take a deep breath and listen.  

Listen as they speak of their struggles and victories.  Listen as they weave together stories that are not so unlike our own.  Listen as they enrich us with knowledge and passion. Listen as they convict us with truth about our selfishness, ignorance and pride.  Listen as they soothe us with how we can be different more compassionate people, armed with what we need to be the change we want to see in the world.  

These ladies are FIERCE. And they are reaching out their hands to help us pick up whatever tiny grain of courage we may have to join them in shaping our world.  

In each post, I will showcase one woman and the work they are doing to make our world a more equitable, compassionate, intelligent place.  I will also share their blogs, twitter handles and resources they recommend so that you can continue to learn from them apart from me.  

Coming up in this series: Women who are kicking butt and taking names on issues like... 

  • diversity 
  • social justice 
  • faith and sexuality 
  • human trafficking 
  • orphan care 
  • international relief 
  • holistic, place-based community development

...Stay tuned!
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