From ten thousand feet the wind keeps the bird afloat as if she is resting on the top of the water. She flaps her wings now and again to keep the momentum. Blue sky above and ocean upon ocean below.
She tucks her wings and dips her head as she decides to free fall toward the waters. Now she picks up speed and the smell of salt drifts upward. The air becomes moist and off in the distance an island rises from the vastness that is the Pacific.
The bird banks left towards land where the cliffs of the east of the island crash into the water as the waves relentlessly pound the rocky shores. Over the cliffs down into the valley where the waterfalls cut into the emerald mountainside. Now she is flapping her wings hard and dancing on air while the trade wind whips in off the coast.
Suddenly she soars over fields. Macadamia nut trees in neat rows as far as the eye can see. The trees are young, maybe planted a year ago. The winged creature comes to rest on the branch of one of these trees. Up in the foothills of the remnants of an ancient lava flow she sits quietly catching her breath.
Suddenly she soars over fields. Macadamia nut trees in neat rows as far as the eye can see. The trees are young, maybe planted a year ago. The winged creature comes to rest on the branch of one of these trees. Up in the foothills of the remnants of an ancient lava flow she sits quietly catching her breath.
Through the fields the sound of the wind is joined with the sound of children. Three little girls march in a single file line through the rows of trees. Their hair is haphazard and tangled from the wind, feet bare so toes can wiggle in the red dirt. As they march along they pick nuts and add them to a growing collection in the turned up bottom of their shirt used as a makeshift basket. They parade through the trees, speaking a secret sister-language of giggling.
From up on the hill the bird sees this scene and cocks her head. Three little girls in a field on this island. She takes another glance, blinks her eyes and takes to the air again.

Paradise was born from her raging, fiery wrath.
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